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"investment strategies"
Showing 1-50 of 322 items.

Stanley Kroll – Dragons And Bulls Profitable Investment Strategies For Trading Stocks And Commodities

Stanley Kroll - Dragons and Bulls Profitable Investment Strategies for Trading Stocks and Commodities The first thing that impressed me was how much Kroll’s Dragons felt like and reminded me of Jessie Livermore’s How to Trade...

Rachel E.S. Ziemba – Scenarios For Risk Management & Global Investment Strategies

Rachel E.S.Ziemba - Scenarios for Risk Management & Global Investment Strategies

Filippo Stefanini – Investment Strategies Of Hedge Funds

One of the fastest growing investment sectors ever seen, hedge funds are considered by many to be exotic and inaccessible. This book provides an intensive learning experience, defining hedge funds, explaining hedge fund strategies while offering...

J. P. Morgan – Investment Strategies Series

J. P. Morgan – Investment Strategies Series J.P. Morgan Institutional Asset Management is a global leader in asset management, providing capital markets knowledge and investment expertise to our clients across every strategic asset class and investment...

Frank Amstrong – Investment Strategies For The 21th Century

Frank Amstrong - Investment Strategies for the 21th CenturyRecognized as one of the finest non-technical finance and investment guides ever written it is believed to be one of the first books about finance published on the...

Martin Pring – Investment Psychology. Explained Classic Strategies To Beat The Markets

Martin Pring - Investment Psychology. Explained Classic Strategies to Beat the MarketsDescriptionExpert advice in a back-to-basics handbook on how to beat the market-the classic wayIn Investment Psychology Explained Martin J. Pring, one of the most respected...

Lois Peltz – The New Investment Superstars (13 Great Investors and Their Strategies for Superior Returns)

Lois Peltz – The New Investment Superstars. 13 Great Investors and Their Strategies for Superior ReturnsLearn how these superstars invest, where they invest, what works–and what doesn’t Since people have been making money in the markets,...

Automated Trading Strategies (NEW) – November 2024

Automated Trading Strategies (NEW) – November 2024 Master the World of Automated Trading The Automated Trading Strategies (ATS) course is designed for traders who want to explore the world of automated trading, offering an all-encompassing approach...

AOStrading – Building Winning Strategies With TradeStation

AOStrading – Building Winning Strategies With TradeStation The "AOStrading – Building Winning Strategies With TradeStation" course is designed to teach traders how to develop and implement profitable trading strategies using the TradeStation platform. Here are some...

Dan Kennedy – 12 Business Building Strategies

Dan Kennedy – 12 Business Building StrategiesDespite false hope that the economic storm is over, it’s only just beginning—which means we face huge changes in the near future. The good news is the future has never...

Douglas S. Roberts – Follow The Fed To Investment Success

Douglas S. Roberts - Follow the Fed to Investment SuccessIn Follow the Fed to Investment Success, Doug Roberts skillfully outlines a proven approach to investing that is based on the idea that there is a direct correlation between...

Charles Cottle – Slingshot Hedge - Options Trading Strategies

Charles Cottle - RiskDoctor Slingshot Hedge - Options Trading StrategiesThe “Slingshot Hedge” is the Hybrid hedge strategy discussed in Chapter 9 of options strategist Charles Cottle’s book, “Options Trading: The Hidden Reality”.The RiskDoctor created this trading...

Oliver Kell – Victory in Stock Trading Strategies and Tactics of The 2020 U.S

Oliver Kell – Victory in Stock Trading Strategies and Tactics of The 2020 U.S The goal of this book is to better help you understand how to think about price action. These are the strategies Oliver...

Paul Judd – Million Dollar Bond Strategies Video

Paul Judd - Million Dollar Bond Strategies VideoAnnouncing one of the most simple, straightforward programs for building wealth ever offered to the public-the “Million-Dollar” Bond Strategies course, from renowned bond expert Paul Judd.The “Million-Dollar” Bond Strategies...

Van Tharp & D.R.Barton & Steve Sjuggerud – Safe Strategies For Financial Freedom

Van Tharp, D.R.Barton, Steve Sjuggerud – Safe Strategies for Financial FreedomProduct DescriptionVan Tharp, D.R.Barton, Steve Sjuggerud - Safe Strategies for Financial FreedomFrom the Back Cover Get smart about your money and retire in five years or...

Ross Jardine – Option Strategies For Consistent Income

Ross Jardine – Options Strategies for Consistent IncomeThis product is availableYou can refer to the screenshots here:Please contact us to get a free samplePerfect for novice investors just getting started with options or for active traders...

Harry D.Schultz – Bear Market Investing Strategies

Harry D.Schultz - Bear Market Investing StrategiesDescriptionA fresh look at proven ways to protect your wealth from the author of the classic Bear Markets book Harry Schultz has been identifying bear market warning signals and teaching...

John L.Person – Candlestick & Pivot Point Strategies

John L. Person - Candlestick & Pivot Point Strategies About the Author: John Person is a 22-year veteran of the an and Options Trading industry. Since his start on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange,...

Michael C.Thomsett – Put Option Strategies For Smarter Trading

Michael C Thomsett - Put Option Strategies for Smarter TradingUse Puts to Mitigate Risk, Reverse and Offset Losses, and Protect Profits–Even in Plummeting Markets!“In these financial times, this is an especially timely book. Michael C. Thomsett...

Murray Ruggiero – Cybernetic Trading Strategies

Murray Ruggiero - Cybernetic Trading Strategies"The computer can do more than show us pretty pictures. [It] can optimize, backtest, prove or disprove old theories, eliminate the bad ones and make the good ones better. Cybernetic Trading...

Larry Connors & Blake E.Hayward – Investment Secrets Of A Hedge Fund Manager

Larry Connors & Blake E.Hayward - Investment Secrets of a Hedge Fund ManagerThis book reveals a host of proven strategies to trade the stock, futures, and options markets. Simple and easy to use, the strategies are...

Marvin Appel – Higher Returns From Safe Investments

Marvin Appel - Higher Returns from Safe InvestmentsToday, many risk-averse investors simply can’t meet their income needs with conventional bank CDs, money market funds, or bonds. This book reveals how you can earn more, without exposing...

Jack Cummings – Real State Finance & Investment Manul (9th Ed.)

Jack Cummings - Real State Finance & Investment Manul (9th Ed.)Updated and revised to include ten years of new developments in real estate investment, Real Estate Finance, and Investment Manual, Ninth Edition is the definitive guide to financing...

Charles Jackson – Active Investment Management Finding And Harnessing Investment Skill

Charles Jackson - Active Investment Management Finding and Harnessing Investment SkillActive Investment Management looks at where active management has come from, where it is today, what problems it faces and where the answers to these questions...

Carleton Sheets – How to Buy Your First Home or Investment Property with No Down Payment

Carleton Sheets – How to Buy Your First Home or Investment Property with No Down Payment Carleton Sheets is recognized as the best-selling author of the No Down Payment home study course as well as other...

Seth A. Klarman – Margin of Safety: Risk-Averse Value Investing Strategies for the Thoughtful Investor

Seth A. Klarman – Margin of Safety: Risk-Averse Value Investing Strategies for the Thoughtful Investor Investors are all too often lured by the prospect of instant millions and fall prey to the many fads of Wall...

Issy Bacher – Cycle-Trends (Wealth Investment Course)

Cycle-Trends (Wealth Investment Course) The greatest stock market story of all time How an accountant, a pianist, a blackjack player, a game designer, and 19 other amateurs became stock market millionaires - with only 14 days...

Anthony Saliba – Option Spread Strategies

Anthony Saliba – Option Spread Strategies “Proven author Anthony Saliba provides step-by-step instructions for spread trading techniques for options traders. Saliba helps readers understand the nuances of each technique, when to employ each spread strategy, and...

Joe DiNapoli – The Practical Application Of Fibonacci Analysis To Investment Markets

Joe DiNapoli - The Practical Application of Fibonacci Analysis to Investment MarketsTrading Tips-A Playbook for Stock Market Success 101.The Market Gurus: Stock Investing Strategies You Can Use from Wall Street’s Best Make MoneyThis entry was posted...

Larry Sanders – Trading Strategies - Larry Sanders

Larry Sanders - Trading StrategiesDEFINITION OF 'TRADING BOOK'The portfolio of financial instruments held by a brokerage or bank. Financial instruments in a trading book are purchased or sold to facilitate trading for the institution's customers, to...

Lars Jaeger – Alternative Beta Strategies & Hedge Fund Replication

Alternative Beta Strategies & Hedge Fund ReplicationThere s a buzzword that has quickly captured the imagination of product providers and investors alike: "hedge fund replication". In the broadest sense, replicating hedge fund strategies means replicating their...

James Hedges – Hedges On Hedge Funds. How To Successfully Analyze And Select An Investment

James Hedges - Hedges on Hedge Funds How to Successfully Analyze and Select an Investment A just-in-time guide to hedge fund investing. Today, access to hedge funds is increasingly available to average investors through "funds of...

Peter J. Tanous – Investment Gurus. A Road Map To Wealth From The World's Best Money Managers

Investment Gurus. A Road Map to Wealth from the World's Best Money ManagersInvestment advisor Peter J. Tanous takes readers behind the scenes with Wall Street's movers and shakers, going head-to-head with 14 of America's top money...

Toby Crabel – System & Portfolio Development With Long Term Trading Strategies

Toby Crabel - System & Portfolio Development with Long Term Trading StrategiesToby is a successful hedge fund manager, having worked for Victor Niederhoffer before starting his own company. Toby’s returns are good, but his risk management...

David Dreman – The New Contrarian Investing Strategies. The Next Generation. Psychology And The Stock

David Dreman's name is synonymous with the term "contrarian investing," and his contrarian strategies have been proven winners year after year. His techniques have spawned countless imitators, most of whom pay lip service to the buzzword...

Alan H.Dorsey – Active Alpha (A Portfolio Approach to Selecting and Managing Alternative Investments)

Alan H.Dorsey - Active Alpha (A Portfolio Approach to Selecting and Managing Alternative Investments) Praise for Active Alpha "Active alpha is the quest for every sophisticated investor. This book covers all of the key alpha sources...

Guy Cohen – The Bible Of Options Strategies

Guy Cohen - The Bible of Options Strategies"Guy Cohen is the master when it comes to taming the complexities of options. From buying calls and puts to iron butterflies and condors, Guy explains these strategies in...

Brian Singer – Investment Leadership & Portfolio Management

Product DescriptionAn industry leader candidly examines the role of investment leadership in portfolio managementInvestment Leadership & Portfolio Management provides a top down analysis of successful strategies, structures, and actions that create an environment that leads to strong...

Steve Nison – Strategies for Profiting with Japanese Candlestick Charts

Steve Nison – Strategies for Profiting with Japanese Candlestick Charts Run time: 332 minutes. What are Japanese Candlesticks – and why should traders use them? Japanese candlestick charts are a versatile tool that can be combined...

Gerald Ashley – Uncertainty & Expectation Strategies For The Trading Of Risk

In this entertaining and thoughtful book, Gerald Ashley sets out to explain what trading is, and lays out a modus operandi for being a trader and investor. He draws upon market anecdotes and examples from the...

Joe Ross – Electronic Trading. TNT IV. Tips, Tricks, Strategies And Tactics For Traders

Joe Ross - Electronic Trading. TNT IV. Tips, Tricks, Strategies and Tactics for TradersElectronic Trading 'TNT' IV Tips-Tricks and Other Trading Stuff.This manual, will, when combined with Electronic Trading 'TNT' I, II, and III, constitute a complete...

Vantagepointtrading – Forex Strategies Guide For Day And Swing Traders

Vantagepointtrading - Forex Strategies Guide for Day and Swing TradersThis eBook is written by Cory Mitchell, a Chartered Market Technician, member of the Market Technicians Association, Canadian Society of Technical Analysts and the International Federation of Technical Analysts. He’s been a...

Richard Imperiale – The Micro Cap Investor Strategies For Making Big Returns In Small Companies

Richard Imperiale - The Micro Cap Investor Strategies for Making Big Returns in Small CompaniesDescriptionThe Micro Cap InvestorLearn how today's smartest investors are discovering opportunities--and reaping profits--ahead of the Wall Street prosMicro cap stocks are all...

Aswath Damodaran – Investment Philosophies

Aswath Damodaran - Investment PhilosophiesThis thoroughly revised and updated edition of Investment Philosophies covers different investment philosophies and reveal the beliefs that underlie each one, the evidence on whether the strategies that arise from the philosophy actually produce...

Charles LeBeau – Exit Strategies for Stock and Futures Slides (

Charles LeBeau - Exit Strategies for Stock and Futures (Slides) ( Each speaker at the TradeStationWorld Conference acts independently, and no speaking topic, session, seminar or content is affiliated with, or approved, sponsored or endorsed by,...

Daniel Strachman – Essential Stock Picking Strategies What Works on Wall Street

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons; 1 edition (3 July 2002) Language: English ISBN-10: 0471400637 ISBN-13: 978-0471400639Beating the market is every investor′s dream. Essential Stock Picking Strategies allows investors on Main Street to gain the consistent success (and profits) of the...

Yen Yee Chong – Investment Risk Management

Risk has two sides: underestimating it harms the investor, while overestimating it prevents the implementation of bold business projects. This book explains, from the point of view of the practitioner, the analysis of investment risk –...

Joseph Benning – Trading Strategies for Capital Markets

In order to succeed in the capital markets, professional traders and investors must understand that markets aren’t mathematical abstractions, but dynamic, real-time reflectors of the world we live in. You need to know how the capital...

Richard Tortoriello – Quantitative Strategies for Achieving Alpha

Richard Tortoriello – Quantitative Strategies for Achieving Alpha “Richard Tortoriello structures six concepts that blend fundamental, quantitative, and technical disciplines. His tests are rooted in sound financial theory designed to avoid statistical bias and capture the...

Max Ansbacher – Inside Strategies for Profiting with Options

MAX ANSBACHER is a successful options professional who has been trading options since their inception. As President of Ansbacher Investment Management, he manages over $30 million in accounts and is frequently featured in the Wall Street...