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Wolf Trading A Day Trading Guide


I write about stocks and other investments. I am not a registered investment adviser, and I will not and cannot give personalized investment advice. If you wish for personalized investment advice, please consult with someone who is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP). These individuals are qualified to help you; also, find one to whom you pay an hourly fee, to ensure that your adviser has no conflicts of interest. To find a CFP near you, visit the CFP Board’s website.

When I write about a stock that I beneficially own, I will attempt to disclose that fact at the end of an article in which I mention that stock, unless I own the stock in a hedge fund, mutual account, managed account or other account that I do not control. Because this is a day-trading blog, I may close or re-open a position in a stock without timely notification to the readers of this blog. This blog is for informational purposes only, and you should not consider anything I write to be investment advice.

I will use my best efforts to disclose any conflicts of interest of which I am aware with regard to stocks, companies, or products about which I write.

I have never been sanctioned for violations of securities laws, and I have never been barred from the securities industry or convicted of any felony or misdemeanor whatsoever. However, I make no guarantees about the accuracy of my statements and I will not necessarily update statements that later turn out to be false.

I provide the material on this site for informational purposes only. No reference to a particular security constitutes a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold that or any other security, nor does it mean that any particular security, portfolio of securities, transaction or investment strategy is suitable for any specific person. I cannot and do not assess, verify or guarantee the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any information, the suitability or profitability of any particular investment or methodology, or the potential value of any investment or informational source. Site users bear sole responsibility for their own investment research and decisions. Anything written on this website is solely the opinion of the author, unless it is clearly and expressly stated as fact. Category labels are not necessarily correct descriptions of articles in those categories.

Twitter I post comments about stocks on Twitter, and those comments may appear on my blog in a sidebar. My disclosure policy and trading policy does not apply to my posts on Twitter or anywhere else on the internet (such as Motley Fool CAPS and Yahoo! Finance message boards), only my blog itself. The only disclosure policy I will follow when making posts on Twitter or websites other than this blog is that I will use my best efforts to disclose when I hold a position in a stock.

I will occasionally tweet about stocks I trade. My tweets will often be delayed; and thus attempting to trade based on my tweets will likely lead to losses. I discourage anyone from making trades based on my tweets. My tweets are not recommendations to buy or sell a stock. They are for informational and educational purposes only to give my readers a sense of how I trade and to convey my opinion on stocks about which I may write.

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