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 possesses over twenty-five years of investment experience, including eight years as a stockbroker with major Wall Street firms: Kidder Peabody & Company, Cowen & Company and Oppenheimer & Company. This was followed by fifteen years of commodity trading, overlapped with twelve years of real estate investing. He holds a business and economics degree from Cornell University, and has lectured at Cornell and at many private educational investment functions over the past twenty years.

Mr. Bigalow has advised professional traders, money managers, mutual funds and hedge funds, and is recognized by many in the trading community as the “professional’s professional.” He is an affiliate of the “Market Technicians Association”. ( – A non-profit association of professional technical analysts) and a member of AAPTA, the American Association of Professional Technical Analysts. (

His first book, Profitable Candlestick Trading: Pinpointing Market Opportunities to Maximize Profits, published by John Wiley & Sons, hit the market in January 2002. The book is directed towards the new investor all the way up to the most sophisticated professionals. It is written in a manner that easily demonstrates the wealth of information, about price movement and the investor psychology, built into the Candlestick signals. He emphasizes the fact that investors, especially the unsophisticated investor, can extract information from the signals. This information, filled with common sense investment principles, greatly expands an investors perspective. Reading the book eliminates the need to depend on investment professionals.

Mr. Bigalow’s second book, High Profit Candlestick Patterns: Turning Investor Sentiment into High Profits, published by Profit Publishing, was released in December 2005. This book takes trading  to the next level, combining the proven results of Japanese Candlestick charting with effective Western technical analysis. The self-mastery of profitable investing is simplified with quick visual evaluations

Book number three, Candlestick Profits: Eliminating Emotions With Candlestick Analysis, Successful investing not only includes having a profitable trading program but also knowing how to implement properly. Our own mental flaws usually keeps us from making profits from the markets consistently.

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