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VantharpForex Elearning Course -

Forex Elearning Course -

This e-learning course addresses two main parts from Gabriel’s original Forex Trading Workshop:

  1. Forex trading basics — all you need to know to start trading Forex, and,
  2. Gabriel’s popular and most easily accessable trading system, the pattern.

Gabriel teaches three trading systems with an edge at his in-person Forex workshop at the Van Tharp Institute. Of those, the offers the best performance statistics. Students that have taken the course already have said it’s also the easiest system to learn to trade! In this online course, Gabriel lectures for approximately seven hours on the basics of trading Forex and all of the details about this single trading system. The course includes downloadable material with lots of valuable information supporting the lectures. On top of that, Gabriel will provide a series of monthly follow-up online group calls to answer questions and share ideas. You don't want to miss this!

Low Risk Course

This is a low-risk opportunity for our customers who have been requesting an online version of the Forex trading course. Students can benefit from their enrollment in the course in several ways:

You can spend little money and learn an excellent trading system that has plentiful opportunities on multiple timeframes.
You can watch the video lectures from the comfort of your home.
through the course at your own speed. You can finish the course as quickly as one day for an introductory look at this system, or spread it across weeks to obtain mastery.
You can review the entire course or you can focus in on reviewing certain sections.  Watch it as many times as you like during your one year subscription period.
If you would eventually like to learn other Forex trading systems in person in an interactive learning environment, you can apply most of your purchase price for the e-learning course as credit towards Gabriel’s 3-day on-site workshop.
The course isn’t over when you finish watching the lectures. You can ask questions and interact with other traders during a series of up to three follow-up calls Gabriel hosts for e-learning course students.

Why Trade Forex?

Van Tharp foresees excellent trading opportunities in the currency market over the next few years because several big-picture forces are strong at work. Primarily, central banks will continue their attempts to influence the relative value of their currencies against other currencies. Combine this with the imbalances caused by trade and debt levels and we have a currency market that promises to remain lively for some time to come.

Add one important —and practical— point for individual traders to this attractive and built in longer-term volatility: Forex has evolved into a market in which individual investors can trade efficiently at low transaction costs — even with a very small trading account. This wasn't always the case. Just ten or fifteen years ago, individual traders had to have a significant amount of capital to open a Forex trading account, and these accounts were only available at big money-center banks. The expansion of the Forex market over the last decade however, has made it very accessible for individual traders with low transaction costs and easy to use platforms. A large group of retail traders has grown to complement the ever-present institutional trading which in the end, has created an even larger and more liquid currencies market. In fact, Foreign Exchange is the biggest and most liquid financial market in the world. If you actively trade equities or options right now, think about trading/investing a less correlated asset class — Forex.

Why Learn the Trade Online?

Van Tharp Institute clients have been requesting a Forex Trading e-learning course consistently for the last few years. Now we're proud to present this online course that will show you what it takes to trade Forex and teach you one great trading system.

It’s a system you will have a lot of fun with as it capitalizes on fishing for stops of unexperienced traders who get caught in bad trades (bull traps and bear traps).

You can find the setup pattern in any chart - long term charts and in short term charts. Once you know how to spot them, you’ll probably be surprised at how many appear. If you prefer position trades lasting weeks or months, look at the GBPNZD pair using weekly bars. The long consolidation area from mid-2016 to early 2017 set-up the trader trap – it just snapped catching unexperienced countertrend traders. This is a short trade setup with a very attractive reward to risk ratio.

If you prefer a very short timeframe, see the 1min bar chart of the EURUSD pair below from July 6, 2017. Can you can see the consolidation area and where the breakout below the range failed (or “busted” as Gabriel says)? You can study how Gabriel framed a long trade based on this setup and see the price level for the entry, initial stop, likely stop-runs, and eventual target.

Watch for yourself in Gabriel’s video how this trade capitalized on the stop run levels and then continued to run after reaching the target price.

EURUSD Long trade, 1min chart

Can You Capitalize on Forex Trading and Enjoy an International Lifestyle?

People are often attracted to trading because you are free to trade from anywhere on the globe that you can find a decent Internet connection. That aspect of trading also appealed to Gabriel — who lived an international lifestyle even as a kid. Born in Switzerland of Greek descent, he lived most of his life in Germany but now mostly stays in South America. It’s no wonder foreign currency trading is practically in his blood!

Starting in 1985, Gabriel started reading everything he could get his hands on to understand how to trade. He was so young when he started trading futures in the US markets that his parents had to sign for him to make trading possible. After earning a degree in business administration, his passion for the capital markets led him to seek a job in asset management. For over ten years, he worked for PIMCO at AllianzGI — one of the top 5 global investment managers. Gabriel decided to pursue his passion for trading the capital markets further by enrolling in Dr. Tharp’s Super Trader program. In the program, he had to unlearn most of what he’d been taught about trading and adopt new ways of thinking that would allow him to see the world with a different perspective.

In 2010 he realized his ultimat goal by graduating from the Van Tharp Super Trader program and transitioning to his dream life of trading professionally. Gabriel now spends all of his time trading Forex (among other trading instruments, like commodities and equity futures) and traveling the world. He does not answer to a boss at a job. Forex markets are always open no matter the time zone, he can trade from anywhere in the world and whenever it makes sense for his schedule.

But don’t get the wrong idea. Gabriel has a lot of freedom and loves his trading — he still works hard. In addition to trading his account and developing new systems, he helps other traders by writing about trading and Forex. His articles have been published in several international language magazines such as Traders’ in the US (see: How To Develop a Trading System, December 2015).

Gabriel is also a committed trading teacher. Teaching workshops for the Van Tharp Institute was a goal even before he graduated from the Super Trader program. Super Trader work is comparable to graduate level university programs but Gabriel finished in almost record time.  That hard work and passion show through in the Forex workshop that he created, just ask any of his previous students or watch the testimonial videos below.

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