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The Annual Stock Market Rosecast 2010

Markus Rose, Sun in Libra, Chinese sign Monkey, graduated from one of Europe's leading business schools, the Vienna University of Economics and Business, with a Masters Degree (Mag.) in Finance and Management - among the top 15% of his semester.

His Master Thesis about Mortgage-Backed Securities was awarded as "one of the best of the university" by a committee of professors.

Markus completed his academic education by taking MBA classes in Finance at the Anderson School of Management and by taking senior classes in differential equations at the Department of Mathematics at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Upon graduation his professional interest concentrated on financial trading and Markus worked for more than three years in trading and trading related positions in various companies and banks located in New York, Dublin, Frankfurt and Vienna. In this capacity Markus achieved an audited track record of over 800% profits during his best year - trading stock index futures as a registered and examined trader on Eurex.

Dissatisfied with the conventional methods of financial market analysis and the short-term trading horizons of professional trading companies, Markus founded in 2002 with the aim of providing a market timing service based on astrology that caters to professional traders and investors.

Today the renamed is the most accurate financial astrology stock market timing service in the world. Rosecast is also the only market timing service worldwide that forecasts the daily direction of the S&P 500 with consistent success. The hallmark of the service are accurate forecasts of daily support and resistance levels that consistently mark the highs and lows of the day.

Most recently has earned notorious status for forecasting the most accurate intraday-timing signals for professional traders and fund managers from the screens of New York to the pits of Chicago and around the world, from Hong Kong to London and Singapore.

Investor signals for the S&P 500 and Gold are tracked by Timer Digest. has been ranked the number 1 stock market timer by Timer Digest between October 11, 2007 (all time high S&P 500) and October 11, 2008 (first strong low of the financial crisis). Additionally Rosecast has been ranked # 1 Gold Market Timer of 2008 and # 8 Stock Market Timer of the year 2010 by Timer Digest! Most recently Rosecast has been ranked #1 stock market timer for the 6 months period ending in October 2014.

The 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 Rosecast Annual Stock Market Forecasts have forecasted the most important financial turning dates of the year - already in December of the prior year. The 2015 Forecast includes for the first time accurate turning dates not only for stock indices, but also for Gold, Bonds, Oil and Forex.

In January of 2015 Rosecast Market Timing has relocated its Global Headquarters from Europe to the United States of America meeting increasing demand for our market timing and software services from US traders and investors and providing better service to our worldwide customers.

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