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– Examinsight for Cfa 2006 Level I Certification: The Candidates Guide to Chartered Learning

The purpose of this CFA Candidate's Guide is to give you the information and practice required to pass the CFA Level I exam. It is the first in a series of three exams, in addition to industry experience, needed to obtain the CFA designation. Once you have passed the CFA Level I exam, you are considered to have mastered the basics and the general breadth, but not the depth, of the information necessary to function as an analyst in today's global economy. The Candidate's Guide Tutorials provides two main sections for each Study Session: 1. Book / eBook CFA Curriculum, including Concept Checks 2. Self Help and Interactive Exam Study Aids You begin your studies with the CFA Curriculum on Page 1. Continue your studies page-by-page; the learning outcome statements (LOS) have been re-ordered, where necessary, to make learning more intuitive than in the CFA Institute's Study Guide. Our concise writing style minimizes learning time, and there are numerous Examples to help you master every LOS. Study Guide command words are boldface in the LOS title; the examiners expect that your knowledge reflects the command word. It is suggested that you first read the 18 Study Sessions, which cover all 79 Learning and their associated CFA Assigned Readings. Then download the accompanying test engine with 1250+ questions to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses so you will know where best to allocate your future study time. Each Study Session question database consists of 70+ multiple choice questions with a level of difficulty and design similar to those on the CFA examination itself. Your comments are welcome at anytime at : Publishing high-quality learning tools is our business, but errors can slip through. If you think you have found one, please use the Error Reporting Form at or Errors with their corrections will be posted on our website. We will send an e-mail message to you whenever new corrections are posted. Practice Questions and Answers After reviewing more intensely the Learning , use the FinancialExams Quizzer testing engine to solidify what you have learned and to prepare you for rigors of taking and passing the exam. In the early 1990's we pioneered computer certification test engines for the IT industry, which were later incorporated into the exam prep manuals of major computer book publishers such as McGraw-Hill and Wiley. We also developed the adaptive testing software now used in preparing for the GMAT, LSAT and other exams. We have taken that same proven, user-friendly software and applied it to helping you practice, practice, practice to pass the CFA exam your first time. Our Practice Exams are designed to save you precious time by quickly identifying your weakest knowledge areas so you can allocate your available study time to getting those areas up to a passing level. Our Simulated Exams-lasting the same number of hours and including the same number of questions as the real CFA exam-are designed to give you the confidence and endurance for the real thing. The FinancialExams Quizzer generates randomized practice exams and simulated exams drawn from a database of 1250+ questions.

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