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Alexander Straker – Pendulum Motion
The Harmony of the Circle - Book 1 of The Universal Golden Keys Series

ICE Introduction to Pendulum Motion

After more than three decades involved in Gann research, I never cease to be amazed when I meet someone new who has so closely followed a similar path to myself and other Baumring students, yet without ever having met. I suppose this only goes to show that those most serious about their pursuit of market research, eventually discover and end up working on a small grouping of key subjects that reside nearest to the center of the logic diagram that explains the Gann and similar such technical analysis.

Obvious subjects near to the center would include vibration, harmonics, astronomy, time cycles, astrology, sacred geometry, numerology, and the like, but those are not quite what I mean. They are sort of “common subjects” in Gann study that most people assume will lead them to the answer. Some of these will do so more than others, some faster, some slower, some only partially, leading to a usual integration of as much as can be accomplished by any individual researcher.

However, there are other subjects which are more refined and focused than these broad general categories, and it is these lesser known subjects that lie nearest to the center. Yet these topics, while refined and focused, simultaneously break the limitations of generalized categorization by requiring facets from each for a proper and thorough understanding.

Pendulum motion is such a subject. It is a study that has remained deeply occulted by the snazzier and sexier fields listed above. It is something that physicists and engineers might study for some practical purposes, but which most market researchers would be less inclined to put their attention upon rather than on astrology or numerology which sound more exciting and exotic. Pendulum motion is generally not a subject that would stir excitement in most people, unless you are a fan of Walter Russell, Edson Gould, Itzhak Bentov or W.D. Gann.

These geniuses all saw something more extraordinary in Pendulum Motion. Indeed, they saw something so great, that they created entire cosmological systems based upon its principle and function, showing us that this may be something that is far more than just a field of study or research, but actually could be a core function or mechanism behind nature and the universe itself. This is what I mean by a subtler principle, something more dominant and ubiquitous behind all things, informing the form and their function.

In my experience, it is these subtler of conceptual fields which lie nearest the center that provoke the most inspired and visionary discovery and insight, such that when I hear certain key words, I perk up...

Mysterious sounding subjects like: hyperdimensional aether physics, space/time field forces, plasma physics, Platonic cosmology, the Electric Universe, multidimensional energetic grid systems, solar/geomagnetic force propagation, toroidal physics and vortex systems, morphogenetic fields and other goodies like this are kind of key words that make me pay attention. Pendulum Motion is one such key word I perk up for.

These are the realms where the real secrets lie and where the future research will lead into new fields of science, as we translate those “obvious subjects” like astrology and numerology into more scientific explanations, eventually envisioning a conceptual or even physical model with working parts and calculated motions, that we can experiment upon to further refine our theories.

As our model begins to develop, these long studied, esoteric, astronumerological prestidigitations turn out to be nothing but the internal relationships between the wheels and branches of this living, growing mechanism. This mechanism, or perhaps it is even an organism, which twists, turns, spirals, vibrates and grows itself through the mental/etheric fields of mass consciousness, thought-form energy, which we call ‘financial markets.’

Pendulum Motion is one of those secret subjects that stands out against the more generalized categories as being an ideal model of market phenomena. Someone familiar with pendulum motion has an insight into the working functions of the actual mechanics of the market that presents a real physical and mathematical model that can be proven to be operating behind market action.

Such explorations and modeling lead to a vision of the market as a sort of living breathing thing, the pendulum being the ever-beating heart rate, the constant in-and-out motion of the breath as the lungs expand and contract. This is all pendulum motion. Every object and organism in the universe pulsates and vibrates with the dualistic rhythm of pendulum motion. It IS a universal principle, hence serves as an ideal model for market action.

Ultimately, such mental modeling leads to a point where the analyst really begins to ask seriously, “WHAT IS THE MARKET?” Have you ever really thought about it? Most have not! But this was the first kind of question that we were taught to ask when studying with Dr. Baumring.

Edson Gould, writing under his middle "pen" name, Edson "Beerrs" (Gould), was the first reference that Baumring provided us on Pendulum Motion and Dynamic Symmetry, in his Gann 3 Seminar Manual. It provides the first clear hint of what the "action" of the market might actually be.

In the following excerpt from Beers/Gould's brief but intriguiging series of two articles in BARRONS, from way back in 1937 and 1941 is asking the same question, “What is the true nature of the market?” (Interestingly, Edson was a very close friend and confidant of Muriel Hasbrouck!) We'll let Edson say it in his own words...

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