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- Benefits

Professor gives you all of his scans and chart styles and shows you how to use them. They are incredibly powerful

Lifetime membership and access to the chat room, current courses and scans and all future courses and scans

There are now four different courses available with more coming!

Nightly video watch lists provided on a timely basis allowing for members to organize themselves and perform due diligence on the charts of interest.

Members will receive an education and strong emphasis on how to use charts as technical analysis in the evaluation of stocks ranging from simple to advanced concepts. Members will be taught how to make, store, organize, and sort their own charts.

Video lessons ranging from technical analysis, live trading, market psychology, and money management.

University members will have access to live and recorded webinars and classes. The webinars involve sharing a screen and they are very intimate and greatly speed up the education process

Members will be a part of a true learning community and think tank. The goal here is teach members how to fish so that they can develop their own trading system based on a very specific process.

Members will be taught how to write scans and members will actually be given the scans or the "secret sauce" so that they can learn and develop as traders on their own.

WealthCampus seeks to empower and coach traders to become confident, self-empowered, and successful.

Ideal system for the working class individual who cannot be in front of the computer all the time. Allows you to keep your job and gives you a system and rules to help you build a stress free account over time. Watch lists and game plans given well in advance to allow the working class person to easily make trades at his or her convenience.



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