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100 years ago the legendary trader W. D. Gann used financial astrology to pinpoint prices in his market forecasts, and reportedly made over $55 million in his lifetime. In this book , the editor of FinancialCyclesWeekly newsletter, exposes the essence of Gann’s work to make tools derived from the Law of Vibration accessible to traders who want a winning edge in the markets today.

About the Author In Paul Farrell’s 1993 book “Think Astrology & Grow Rich,” was highlighted as one of the pioneers of what Business Week magazine called “the dawning of the Age of Financial Astrology.” Since that time, Tim has gained an international reputation as one of the most innovative thinkers and insightful teachers in financial astrology today. His newsletter is eagerly read by traders, investors, and astrologers around the world and is often quoted in Barron’s and other mainstream financial publications. has often been featured as a guest commentator on Michael Yorba’s Commodity Classics show, and he has also been a regular contributor to the Traders’ Astrological Almanac for many years. His BASIC STOCK MARKET ASTROLOGY HOME STUDY COURSE has helped students from all backgrounds get started in profitable astro-trading. He has had a wide and enthusiastic response to his books, monographs and recorded lectures, including “How to Find the Money in Your Horoscope,” “Creating Personal Wealth with Astrology,” “Plan 9 for Inner Space,” “How to Become a Stock Market Lunatic,” and his regular series of publications on solar eclipses and their impact on market dynamics. ’s core understanding that financial issues and opportunities consistently impact individuals as well as businesses, markets, and economies led him to develop the concept of Person-Centered Financial Astrology, which focuses on the unique roles that individuals can play in creating dramatic financial change when they tap into their own creative intelligence and spirituality. Individual spiritual potential is also the central theme of his contributions to A native of North Carolina with over 40 years of experience in astrology, has lived in Sarasota, Florida since 1996. He has earned the highest levels of certification from several professional associations, including the ISAR Certified Astrological Professional designation, the NCGR Level 4 certification, and the professional level certification from the American Federation of Astrologers.

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