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– S&P 500, The

Expert: Tom Busby
Type: PDF Workbook MP3 Audio
Running Time: 90 minutes
Workbook Length: 13 pages

S&P futures have all the elements that create day trading opportunity-leverage (biggest bang for dollars invested), volume (ability to absorb large orders) and volatility (daily swings that enable the trader to be paid for his time). Tom will introduce you to the method (not system) which he uses to understand the language of the market. This method is action-oriented, accesible, understantable, and based upon the straightforward principles of money management combined with technical indicator analysis. It emphasizes the importance of careful risk management. Tom will describe how he developed and use his own market roadmap – a combination of significant directional indicators, key numbers derived from the market (good, old-fashioned tape reading) demonstrating support and resistance levels, and critical time zones. He will show you how using his method can help you deal with the inherent mental stress involved in day trading.

Tom Busby has been a professional securities trader, broker and registered investment advisor for more than twenty years. He began his trading areer with Merrill Lynch and later became Vice-Presidnet of Solomon Smith Barney. He founded the DayTrading Institute in 1996 to teach his unique approach and method to traders of the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Futures Market. Tom, a widely recognized authority on short-term trading worldwide, has appeared on business and investing programs on national television and radio. His opinions are often featured in newspapers throughout the country.

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