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"Define your audience"
Showing 1-12 of 12 items.

Caity Hunt – Home Business Freedom Formula

Caity Hunt - Home Business Freedom Formula What You Get Inside The Home Business Freedom Formula Module One Discover who your best prospects are, so you can attract people most likely to join your business. Define...

Paul Roetzer – Piloting AI for Marketers Series

Paul Roetzer – Piloting AI for Marketers SeriesDrive productivity, creativity, and performance with artificial intelligence.On-Demand Courses for Next-Gen Marketers and LeadersHow do you get started with AI?The short answer is quick-win pilot projects with narrowly defined...

Pat Flynn – Smart From Scratch

Pat Flynn – Smart From ScratchSmart From Scratch is a hands-on, comprehensive course that enables you to develop a business idea, validate it, and determine if that idea is viable to pursue.All business ideas need validation....

Angela Giakas – Art Of Influence

Angela Giakas – Art Of InfluenceThe Art Of Influence is a complete A-Z program for turning your passions into profit and becoming a social media influencer. You’ll gain immediate access to the Art of Influence as...

Laura Bitoiu – Post Like a Pro

Laura Bitoiu – Post Like a ProModule 1 CONTENT STRATEGYHow to build the “know, like, factor” with your Instagram pageProper storytelling techniques for creating communityBest posting time for higher engagementSo how often should you post anyway?Module...

Konstantinos Synodinos – 0 To 1.5 Million Followers In 8 Months On TikTok

Konstantinos Synodinos – 0 To 1.5 Million Followers In 8 Months On TikTokIntroduction & ExpectationsWho the f*ck am I and why you did do well to buy this?Understanding TikTok and why it’s a golden opportunityTik Tok...

Khalid Hamadeh – Advanced Facebook Ads Course

Khalid Hamadeh – Advanced Facebook Ads CourseAfter you've completed the Core FB Marketing Course, you will have opened up a world of possibilities. To help you scale even further, I've put together a set of advanced...

Mojca Zove – The Science of Facebook Ads Professional

Mojca Zove – The Science of Facebook Ads Professional “What if I spend hundreds of dollars on Facebook Ads and nothing happens?” Facebook Advertising is a like a complex machine with a lot of cogs and...

Jeff Thull & Mastering The Complex Sale – How To Compete And Win When The Stakes Are High!

Jeff Thull - Mastering the Complex Sale - How to Compete and Win When the Stakes are High"Jeff Thull's process plays a key role in helping companies and their customers cross the chasm with disruptive innovations...

Marie Forleo – B-School

Marie Forleo – B-School WHAT IS MARIE FORLEO'S B‑SCHOOL? B-School is an 8 week, interactive video-based training program that teaches smart, effective online marketing strategies to business owners who want more sales and more impact from...

Hari Swaminathan – Options Trading Basics (3-Course Bundle)

Hari Swaminathan – Options Trading Basics (3-Course Bundle) A bundle combines Intro to Call and Put Options Time decay, Implied Volatility, Greeks Call and Puts Live trades What you'll learn Master the basic nuts and bolts...

Molly Pittman & Ezra Firestone – Train My Traffic Person

Molly Pittman & Ezra Firestone - Train My Traffic PersonLESSON 1Think Like a Media BuyerLearn the 8-step process that I use to be a successful media buyer (and how to avoid painfully common mistakes).LESSON 2Acquisition Funnels...