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Course (O-I-II)

Neophyte Level O

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The Geometric Trading Course teaches traders how to market geometry can give them an edge over other price-based technical analysis methods. The Course – Neophyte Level O will teach you leading (not lagging) technical analysis methods that offer the highest probability of successful forecasting. In this dynamic 90+ minutes session, , FCSI will introduce you to the foundations of and pattern recognition. New traders will learn to trade using the power of Fibonacci retracements and Fibonacci extensions and how to use these technical analysis tools to identify the most reliable price pattern of them all.. the Gartley pattern. Experienced traders will learn powerful risk management techniques not taught in other trading courses. Discover how your subconscious mind can’t help from creating order out of chaos on a price chart! Instant access to The Course – Neophyte Level O is available by signing up here. Upon completion of the Neophyte Level O, the student will be ready to take the Course – Initiate Level I.

Initiate Level I

The Geometric Trading Course is a complete education in Technical Analysis and Market Geometry. The free Course - Neophyte Level 0 is an introduction to Market Geometry and covers the basics and teaches you which technical methods offer the best forecasting ability. Once the Neophyte level is complete, the student is ready to Initiate Level I. The initiate level builds on the material learned in the Neophyte level and gives the student a complete trading system based on the material from the book The Gartley Trading Method: New Techniques to Profit from the Markets Most Powerful Formation.

Apprentice Level II

The Geometric Trading Course – Apprentice Level II builds on the core trading methodology and geometry learned in Levels O & I. Learning to make trading decisions on their own, the Apprentice achieves the goal of trading independently. The Apprentice is introduced to the hidden Geometric structures of the world’s capital markets and the incredible forecasting power of Beck’s Emblem. Whether its compass, square, pencil and paper, or the latest computer technology, the Apprentice student is empowered to predict market turning points in advance with market geometry unseen by the trading public. Each session is recorded in high-definition video and is available to our students on demand.

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