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Product Detail:

  • Publisher: Marketplace Books
  • Minutes: 60
  • ISBN: 159280215X
  • Type: Video – DVD
  • Publish Date: 11/1/2005
  • List Price: $79.95
  • Condition: Brand New in original shrink wrap.


Equities with

Do you need help interpreting key technical indicators and feel you have nowhere to turn? If that’s the case, then this video is a must addition to your reference shelf.

, senior technical analyst for Prudential Equity Group covers what the leading technical indicators are, how his firm uses them in analyzing both broad market movements and individual stock prospects and how he helps his clients understand and successfully employ charts and technical signals in their own trading programs. The actual attendees at this seminar went on to use this information in passing their exams to become Chartered Market Technicians – and you can use the same info to create some previously uncharted market profits for your own portfolio. Don’t miss it!

Jacket Description:

From the MTA Education Seminar 2005 – Advanced CMT Topics

Polish your CMT exam skills by hearing from the experts in the toughest exam areas

Our Advanced CMT Topics track is designed for candidates in the CMT Program and recent graduates. This track covers seven topics with which candidates tend to have the most difficulty, particularly on the CMT Level 3 essay exam. The presentations cover three of the most complex topics:

Japanese candle charting, point & figure charting and Elliott Wave Principle, all taught by practitioners. These areas seem to give candidates the most difficulty on the exams, so an hour with the experts should prove to be a valuable education. The presentations on equities, foreign exchange, commodities and currencies are taught by individuals whose careers are dedicated to analyzing these markets. Many CMT candidates only focus on one of these markets; these sessions are designed to get candidates up to speed on analyzing markets with which they may not be familiar.

Altogether, these seven sessions are designed to give attendees insights into how technical analysis Is applied in the real world. As well, these sessions are designed to be the perfect preparation for the essay questions on the CMT Level 3 exam which covers each of these areas. The insights of the practicing technicians who lead these sessions are representative of those insights required to pass the exams. These sessions were designed with CMT candidate feedback in mind. Often, candidates who spend their work day analyzing one market or primarily utilizing one technique, have a difficult time shifting gears to address all of the markets and techniques covered by the CMT Program.

Point and Figure Bruce Kamich, CMT Vice President Smith Barney Private Client Group/ Citigroup

Japanese Candle Charting Steve Nison President

Elliott Wave Steven Poser Managing Director, Research New York Stock Exchange

Commodities Mike Rocca, CMT Senior Commodities Merchant, Agricultural Option Trader and Technical Analyst Cargill, Inc.

Foreign Exchange William Dale, CIM, DMS, FCSI Portfolio Manager/Vice President RBC Dominion Securities Inc.

Fixed Income Rob Kepler, CMT Senior Portfolio Manager MKP Capital Management

Equities , CMT Senior Technical Research Analyst Prudential Financial

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