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– Stock Trading Using Planetary Time Cycles

The Gann Method Volume I

This is the book I swore I would never write as I thought the masses were not ready for the truth about Gann and how the planets influence stocks and commodities. I have decided to do this now since the markets have evolved to a high state of technical analysis and many software charting packages routinely include astrological planetary tools which I find never seem to be explained appropriately. This book is a 'basic' book starting with the origins in the Bible of the use of planets and a discussion of why the use of planets for trading stocks is not in violation of the laws of God laid down in the Bible, and how since earliest times ancient man went to great lengths to find the first day of Spring and mark the constellations as well as use the sun and moon to set up calendars. I discuss W.D. Gann and the methods he used to predict the market and make his forecasts. I do not go into esoteric discussions of Gann's 'Tunnel Thru The Air' book or elaborate debates on the square of 144 and whether it's a Mars/Jupiter cycle or Uranus/Saturn or even the number of people saved in the Bible but instead show why Gann had to use his various geometrical charts and wheels and how I have come up with a much simpler solution to it all with modern computer calculations. You will get four computer programs (windows compatible only) with this book to run any type of calculation you will need to understand Gann and reproduce the method of his forecasts and make your own. You do not need computer programs to do the calculations or understand the material, and I give alternative solutions for you if you want to buy a commercial product or you don't have access to a windows operating system. You will learn what Gann did with the planets and how to predict accurate turns in the market. This book is only a fraction of the information from my personal seminars and is not expected to supplant them as it only covers 25% of the information in those seminars and the programs included in this book are rather simple compared to the highly specialized programs in the seminars but this book is a great introduction to astrological trading and a prelude to taking a seminar and a great refresher for those who have already taken one here in New York. There are many key strategies for using trendlines and square-out dates as well as some beautiful examples of how the Square of Nine is actually used. I discuss long-term bull and bear market causes and durations but also show techniques to be used on hourly or shorter time frames. While the title has the name 'Stock' in it, you can use this with any type of trading I have some currency examples in the book and talk about Gann's commodity trades as I show and explain his own charts.

Ever wonder how 'fractal' patterns develop and repeat? I explain a very good theory and show an example of how to know when the 'legs' of fractals will repeat as well as potential mirror image patterns. Eclipses were a big part of Gann's work and I show a method I developed that is superior to most of the traditional astrological methods of using them.

I can assure you that it is a very worthwhile book that for the first time will teach you what you really need to know and learn about the 'Gann' method and why you can now finally stop that ridiculous scaling of all your charts that never works. This book will teach you how to draw the specialized Gann Timing Angles that are precise to any scale on any chart. You will also understand much of the secret coding in my other books and why the various techniques I revealed in those books are really astrological in origin and use. I am putting out this 'book' in the form of a three-ring binder notebook since I will include computer discs with it and plan to update sections to mail you as time goes on to give you real-time examples for registered buyers. If you ever wanted to know what the 'law of vibration' is or how you can forecast a high or low week to months ahead of time like Gann did then why not learn it from a professional trader who has used it on a daily basis for the past thirty-six plus years? It is only 'Volume I' so it can't cover all of the most esoteric stuff but it will get you on a firm footing as to how to go about solving any market problem concerning trend and reversal points as well as a good understanding of how and why the planets are important to the human race and have been since the beginning of time. You will finally be able to go back to that old Gann course you bought years ago and know what he was secretly alluding to with all those cryptic sayings and cycles.

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