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- Investing with Giants

A realistic guide to strong and steady investments that have proven themselves worthy over the years Investors tend to forget about the slow and steady growth of value or blue-chip stocks when quick run-ups in the market occur. These quick spikes rarely last long and investors then return to the comfort of blue-chip stocks. This book offers readers the information needed to create a strong portfolio that combines safety and predictability for the long term. Focusing on the steady growth of value, or blue chips, readers will hold this guide close to their wallets as they look to find more reliable investments. With the volatility of the stock market, Investing with Giants helps investors develop benchmarks so they can pick both recommended stocks and personal potential favorites that will consistently grow over a lifetime. With an in-depth view of often publicly traded companies that have stood the test of time and additional resources for research, this book deals with stocks that have proven themselves worthy over the years, not just days.

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