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John Carter & - Pre-Recorded Seminar (August 2004), (

John Carter's father was a Morgan Stanley stock broker.  One day during high school, John came home from the mall where he was working at a store making cookies.  He had saved up $1000 over a few months, and his dad told him that he and some of his friends were going to buy "some call options on Intel" the next day.  Although he had no idea what they were talking about, it sounded good.  He bought 10 call options at 75 cents, and sold them a few days later for $1.50, doubling his money.  He was hooked and has been trading ever since--going on 20 years now.

After high school, John Carter studied at the University of Cambridge, England, then graduated from the University of Texas in Austin with degrees in History and Economics.

John Carter was never that intrigued by the brokerage side of the trading world. Instead, he liked to try and test various online trading strategies through college and well into his corporate jobs. He became quite adept at making money, though there were times when holding onto it turned out to be a problem.  The road was not always easy and John learned his lessons the hard way like many day traders.  If you've seen him speak at the Money Show or Traders Expos, then you've probably heard the story about "the house in Minnesota" which still makes him squirm to talk about it and relive it to this day.  After that experience, he came across Mark Douglas's book, "The Disciplined Trader, " which helped push him on the road to consistency.

John Carter eventually found a trading system he was satisfied with. He left corporate America to pursue full-time professional trading in 1998.  After a few years of trading on his own, he eventually grew tired of day trading by himself in his office and chatting with his Arrowana (a large fish).  He started to seek out other traders and post information online, which led to the launch of

John Carter today is a Commodity Trading Advisor with Razor Trading. Recently, McGraw Hill commissioned him to write a book entitled Mastering the Trade. Mastering the Trade by John F. Carter was released in January 2006. Carter's trading book soon climbed the charts at Carter was also featured on ABC Money with his new online trading book "Mastering The Trade."

: Trader behind TradeTheMarkets

was born in Paintsville, KY with an entrepreneurial personality that encouraged him to try out new businesses and career paths.

Hubert left college in 1994 and headed off to launch a successful mobile on-site fleet maintenance company. His new business provided complete preventative maintenance, and mechanical repairs to large and small companies. Eventually, Hubert was managing 32 employees and running revenue of $4.8 million per year. This successful venture of Hubert's was ultimately acquired by one of the leading national oil companies.

was in the process of building this organization when he met David (Transmission shop chain owner). Hubert had worked with David in the past but thought nothing else of it. One day, David invited Hubert to his office to watch his day trade. Hubert was intrigued by the offer and visited David and watched him make money by the minute. Four hours later, Senters was hooked to day trading online. After watching David make eighteen thousand dollars in that short period, Hubert knew he had to know more about what made the trading market work. Hubert departed on a journey to learn all he could about day trading.

continued to sit next to his new day trading mentor every day for a year. He was determined to learn all that his mentor knew of the stock market and decipher how he read the market. Hubert maintained the same discipline he teaches today. He did not place his first trade until one year later. Over the next 18 months, Hubert helped David manage $25 thousand and turn it into $862 thousand before taking a 20% drawdown. Once Hubert started trading, there was no turning back. He had found his niche.

eventually sold his fleet maintenance company and went into online trading full-time. Hubert has been online trading ever since for the last 10 years.

launched in 2000 with John Carter. He is often heard calling out his trades live in our day trading chat room. has garnered a loyal trading community following with his keen sense of the trading markets, his frank teaching style, and his willingness to help others learn from him.

is a professional day trader and successful entrepreneur. His philosophy is that "If you want to achieve something in life, find someone who is good at what you want to do and learn everything they know about it." That very philosophy has made a successful day trader today. Hubert is a firm believer that you need to have your style and method of trading that works for you.

Hubert's favorite indicator is the Senters squeeze indicator which he uses daily. Hubert uses the Squeeze to systematically catch volatility and know the market direction. Hubert has found that trading with the squeeze indicator provides him with reliability, consistency, and the potential for profitability while day trading. For him, the squeeze indicator does not require an extensive amount of judgment, thought, or time and therefore, minimizes stress while trading the markets.

' goal is to achieve a comfortable lifestyle, put money away for the future, and have time to enjoy life, family, and friends. When he's not trading, he takes photos of his three kids playing sports, upgrades his trading hardware, and searches Google for the latest trading software and trading technology.

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