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George Jabbour & Philip Budwick - The Option Trader Handbook

Strategies, tools and proven solutions for minimizing risk and volatility in options trading The Option Trader Handbook helps readers better understand trade management by providing a thorough compilation of the numerous trade adjustments, hedges, and enhancements that can be made to stock or option positions using derivatives. Dr. George Jabbour is the Director of the Master of Science in Finance (MSF) Program at The George Washington University as well as a professor of derivatives, financial engineering, and investments. Dr. Jabbour has published various articles in professional financial journals and regularly speaks at conferences in the United States and abroad regarding option pricing models, financial management, and risk management. He also is a managing director of Global Asset Investments, LLC, an asset management and derivative consulting firm, and CEO of Global Finance Associates, Inc., a financial training, consulting, and research company. Dr. Jabbour regularly conducts seminars in option trading and valuation and is very active equity and a derivatives trader. Philip Budwick has a law degree and a Master of Science in Finance and frequently writes articles on option trading strategies and investments. Mr. Budwick is a managing director of Global Asset Investments, LLC and a managing member of Budwick InvestmentGroup, LLC, an options trading and investment software firm. He also conducts discussion groups and offers option investment training through Options Trading Coach, LLC and is an active option and stock trader.

Table of Contents


  • Chapter 1. Trade and Risk Management.
  • Chapter 2. Tools of the Trader.
  • Chapter 3. Long Stock.
  • Chapter 4. Short Stock.
  • Chapter 5. Calls and Puts.
  • Chapter 6. Spreads.
  • Chapter 7. Combinations.
  • Index.

Author Information

GEORGE JABBOUR is the Director of the Master of Science in Finance (MSF) program at the George Washington University, as well as a professor of derivatives, financial engineering, and investments. Dr. Jabbour has published various articles in professional financial journals and regularly speaks at conferences in the United States and abroad regarding option pricing models, financial management, and risk management. He is also a managing director of Global Asset Investments, LLC, asset management and derivative consulting firm, and CEO of Global Finance Associates, Inc., a financial training, consulting, and research company. Dr. Jabbour regularly conducts seminars in option trading and valuation and is very active equity and a derivatives trader. PHILIP BUDWICK has a law degree and a master of science in finance, and frequently writes articles on option trading strategies and investments. Mr. Budwick is a managing director of Global Asset Investments, LLC, and a managing member of Budwick Investment Group, LLC, an options trading and investment software firm. He also conducts discussion groups and offers option investment training through Options Trading Coach, LLC, and is an active option and stock trader.

The Wiley Advantage

Strategies, tools, and proven solutions for minimizing risk and volatility in options trading. 

  • Organized so that students can look up various positions and focus on the specific chapter that deals with relevant adjustments that could be made.
  • Filled with practical advice and proven cases that highlight different strategies.
  • Contains valuable resource that can help readers minimize risk and volatility in the world of options trading.

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