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Dan Kennedy – 40th Compilation Archives

In Celebration Of His 40th Anniversary In Information Marketing, Dan Kennedy Goes Deep, Deep, Deeeeeep Into The Archives…

“Discover Dan Kennedy’s Lifetime Of Work--Including 356 Examples And 1556 TOTALPages Of Ads, Notes, Samples, Photos And Artifacts--Accumulated Over 40+ Years In Marketing, Copywriting, Speaking And Authorship…”

Thursday 3:12 pm
From: The desk of Dan Kennedy

Dear Renegade Marketer,

Let’s get to it without any “warm-up”.   What I’ve done is perform a thorough excavation of literal rooms of files, notes, samples, photos, artifacts, and more, accumulated throughout 40+ years in marketing.  

I then compiled everything into a 1556-page tome you’ll be able to examine and swipe ideas from for your own promotions and business. 

The best part: I put my own notes within each item, written by me in 2013, to either teach an important concept or give context to that particular piece.

This commentary will create multiple “a-ha” moments for you as you leaf through this massive collection.   This is like having 40 years of my marketing “know-how” all in one package for you to peruse, get ideas from, and take action on for your own promotions.

Listen: these “teaching examples” have stood and WILL stand the test of time.   I also included odd and curious items, personal items, and items of historical significance.  As with a museum, different things will interest different visitors at different times.

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