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I've documented everything I do that works (and continues to work).

I've created video tutorials, and case studies too. 

Content Marketing Masters is more than a course, it's a full content marketing system. You can take it for yourself, or plug in a team member.

Here's what you'll learn inside…

Stage 1 (White Belt): For new businesses with no list, no brand name in the market, and a very small budget of $10/day.

  • The most powerful way to increase your audience size. (Get hundreds of marketing qualified leads in one day. Even if no one has ever heard of you before!)
  • What Keystone Content is and how to research and write it for maximum market infiltration.
  • The #1 secret to build your email list FAST using nothing but your Keystone Content pieces.
  • How to distribute your Keystone Content and get your first 500 visitors while still on a budget.
  • The headline, intro, and promo formulas I used to get top industry influencers to share my content.
  • CASE STUDIES of 5 different business types who got thousands of free traffic. (With a handy swipe-file of their keystone content for your inspiration)

Stage 2 (Blue Belt): For small businesses that have been around. With a small list, a little brand recognition, and around a $100 daily budget.

  • How to make your keystone content go viral in your industry and get $100,000 worth of traffic for $100 a day. (With detailed spending plan)
  • The proven process for hiring your first content writers. (So you can grow without doing all the grunt work yourself.)
  • How to create "Viral Content Sales Funnels" and see ROI from your publishing efforts on day one.
  • How to convert one out of five of your readers into subscribers and build your audience with our challenge. (Your first 500 loyal fans are waiting for you!)

Stage 3 (Black Belt): For established businesses with decent sized lists, a team, and over $10,000 per month budget.

  • How to use the Ski Slope Strategy to build an unstoppable $100k/mo+ sales machine.
  • Planning your long-term content strategy. (Exactly where to click in the tools I use to get all the info you'll need to make decisions.)
  • The 3 content types I used to get millions of clicks, hundreds of thousands of leads, and over 1,000 sales.
  • How to create each content type, then deploy them to make the most sales without spending too much on traffic.
  • How to determine which type of “Black Diamond” content will get the most sales for your business type.
  • REAL LIFE EXAMPLE: The content strategy and site structure I designed for (Over 500,000 clicks per month)

Plus, you'll get my instant delegation kit...

You don't want to be doing all the grunt work.

I'll show you how to rapidly replace yourself with my instant delegation kit. Use these checklists, spreadsheets, and swipes to get your team producing results for you.

Inside you're going to get...

  • One Page Summaries for every role in your new content marketing team (with KPI’s, benchmarks, and how-tos).
  • An exclusive "Day In The Life" video that shows you how my team works to deliver viral content on demand.
  • ONE simple spreadsheet to plan, manage, and track ALL your content.
  • The Content Launch Checklist I use every time I want people in my industry to talk about us. (With step-by-step instructions for every item, so you can outsource it).
  • Every template we give our writers so they can research and write viral content.
  • Exclusive access to my LIVE file of successful keystone content swipes. (The best articles I’ve ever written or seen are all here!)
  • Our Content Scaling Action Plan that sums up how to dominate your industry with content. (It has all the step-by-step action items of our entire scaling strategy!)
  • My top tools for content research, writing, editing, upgrades, and promotions. Plus info on what exactly I use them for, and how.
  • And more…

How Much Does It Cost To Buy Content Marketing Masters Today?

I considered licensing.

With licensing to one company at a time, I could charge $10,000 since this is a plug-and-play system.

$10,000 would be a bargain for the amount of traffic, leads, and sales my method produces.

I built the content marketing machine for doing exactly what I teach in this course. And my boss would think $10,000 is a great price compared to what he paid me.

I don't want to be doing phone sales and meetings to license this out though.

Instead I considered consulting with a handful of companies on the method for $10,000/mo.

I could consult with five companies a year and do pretty well.

I felt like $10,000 puts it out of the hands of people like myself when I first started though.

So I decided on only charging $3,000.

I'm committed to making this the best course on scaling a business with content that converts visitors into customers.

So, I'm constantly working to improve the course. When you sign up, you're not just getting access to a course that was created years ago and never updated. You're getting access to a course that gets updated multiple times per year. 

I've already updated two of the lessons this year.

Even if all you sell is a $100 product, you'd only need to sell 60 of them to make your money back. And I've already shown you how this method generated over 1,000 customers for us.

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