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Alpesh Patel - The Internet Trading Course alpeshpatel

In 2001 59% of investors traded using the Internet, a massive growth since 2000 when the figure was only 17%. Internet trading is no longer the exclusive sport of professionals nor is it about day trading – it’s about investing for your future. It has taken on mass appeal as more and more of us recognize the fact that internet trading is cheaper, faster, more efficient, and more fun than any other form of making money.

Internet trading has hit the mainstream and it’s time to take advantage.

The Internet Trading Course

is based on years of real trading experience from one of the most renowned names in the investment world.

From the basics – such as getting online, hardware, and browser guides – through to stock picking techniques and managing risk, this coursebook is an enlightening start for novices entering the trading arena and for more experienced hands who often neglect sophisticated yet essential techniques such as money management.

Its accessible, user-friendly format and fun and crisp manner make it an enjoyable as well as an essential tutorial in the art of Internet trading. The Internet Trading Course not only educates you in the strategies that will lead to your success but also provides the tools to carry them out with confidence and ease.

About the Author

Alpesh B.Patel

Described by Channel 4 as the UK’s best-known internet trader, Alpesh started programming computers in BASIC at the age of 10 and buying stocks 18 years ago at the age of 12. He left a legal career to trade full-time.

Today he concentrates on US stocks as well as futures and options trading, making extensive use of the internet for research since he was a Congressional Intern in 1994 and combining this with his own technical analysis systems. On Channel 4’s latest Show Me The Money series he came number 1 of 45 expert stock pickers.

Alpesh writes the ‘Diary of an Internet Trader’ for the weekend Financial Times and appears weekly on Bloomberg TV on ‘Bloomberg Money’. In 2001 he completed his own TV interview show series, ‘NewsBytes’.

Alpesh is the author of Net Trading, Trading OnlineThe Mind of a Trader, and Pocket Guide to Trading Online, all published by Financial Times Prentice Hall. His books have been translated into Spanish, German, French, Chinese, and Polish.

Alpesh regularly speaks on online trading, trading psychology, and technical analysis around the world.

Priya Patel

Priya's interest in trading was sparked as a schoolboy, being raised in the same household as co-author cousin Alpesh. His interests are in short-term derivatives and spread-betting, CFDs, and stock futures trading, with an emphasis on technical analysis and macroeconomics.

A recent graduate of Oxford University, like Alpesh he read Philosophy, Politics and Economics at St Anne’s College. Unlike Alpesh, Priyen won prizes and did far better in his degree.

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