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- The Secrets to Successful 2004

– The Secrets to Successful Interactive CD-Rom course from Trading Markets

How This Course Is Laid Out

What are my instructional objectives? First, to teach you the core body of knowledge that a trader needs to know about Forex. Second, to provide you with insight on how to apply geopolitical analysis to this market. Finally, to teach you technical analysis and trading strategies that you can apply immediately to trade Forex.

In Section I on Forex Basics, I will teach what Forex is, how it differs from other trading vehicles such as stocks and E-minis, and how trading them can give you an edge that is not available in other markets.

Section II is titled How To Use Geopolitics, News and Economic Fundamentals To Predict Forex Price Movement. In this section, you will learn how information about economic events affects the price movement of the major currency pairs.

In Section III, I’ll talk about Harnessing The Power Of Plain Vanilla Technical Analysis. Here, you’ll see how common technical analysis patterns and tools that are sometimes not taken very seriously in the equities world can be highly potent in Forex.

In Section IV, My Favorite Trading Strategies, I’ll teach the most powerful and effective strategies that I myself use to trade the Forex.

Finally, In Section V, you’ll take a Final Exam. In this exam, I will not only test you on the material taught in this course but also train you to think like a successful Forex trader by putting you in wide variety of scenarios and situations.

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